The support portal is used to generate and check the status of helpdesk tickets and to find solutions to common, simple to resolve issues.
Home Page
Here is a breakdown of the portal home page.
Create a Helpdesk Ticket
To create a Help desk ticket enter your email, a subject, and a description of the problem you are having. Please be descriptive you can also attach any files or screenshots you may have. Check the captcha box if needed and submit the ticket. This will email IT and create a helpdesk ticket.
Check the status of a ticket
You can check the status of a ticket by clicking on "Check on ticket status or "tickets" on the home page of the portal. Next to each ticket, you will have a status. By clicking on the ticket you can view, update, and add replies to the ticket.
How to use the Knowledge Base
The knowledge base is accessible from the home screen and can be searched with the search bar at the top of the page. When searching use more than 3 letters in your search term. For example, if you receive an error logging into AR do not search for "AR" use a term like "AR error".